"Today's Special"

Check out all the fun things you can do this year!

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TBD 2025 - TBD 2025

Welcome to our little convention's website in our own little corner of the internet. Welcome to another furry convention to add to your calendar. Welcome to Jurassic Par... err... I mean Welcome to Garden State Fur The Weekend; or as we like to call it, GSFTW. So what makes us so special? You mean besides an awesome logo, killer mascot, and being located in the greatest place this side of our uncle's used car lot? Well not counting the fact our mother says we're special, We are a great group of people coming together to raise awareness of art, life, and culture of furry.

We exist to facilitate community events with the purpose of furthering education in anthropomorphic history, art, and culture, and to financially contribute charitable organizations with a focus on animal welfare. We also look to provide an inclusive atmosphere to facilitate education and proliferation of anthropomorphic arts, history, culture, and community as well as support animal welfare based charitable organizations through community fundraisers and activities.
So how does that all sound for a start?

Garden State Fur The Weekend is currently set to be held between May 3rd to the 5th of 2024 at the Hyatt Regency

Hyatt Regency

Hyatt Regency New Brunswick offers upscale rooms with sweeping views overlooking downtown New Brunswick and the Raritan River. Being the focal point of our convention, the Hyatt Regency will be the best place to book your rooms!
Book Room

Dealers Den

It doesn't matter what you have to sell, we have people looking to buy it. Come on out and register for our Dealer's Den where you can sell your wares and meeting fun and engaging people.
Apply for Dealer's Den


Volunteering is a great way to make new friends and give back to the community to make the convention a memorable event for everyone.Our convention can only happen with the help of volunteers.
Volunteer Now

Panel Applications

Have a great idea for an event? We'd love to hear from you. Have a talent you want to show off or a get together to meet like minded people. Send us your ideas.
Apply to Host

DJ Applications

Hey DJs out there!! Do you have a sound you'd like to share with the world? DJ applications are open. Show us what you've got!!!
Apply to Perform

Join GSFTW Staff!

Come be a part of New Jersey's newest furry convention! As a staff member, you will help set the stage for New Jersey's furry convention!
Join Now!
© Garden State Fur The Weekend Inc. 2024. All rights reserved. Any and all inquiries should be directed to our staff at